NLRB Judge Orders Company to Reinstate Striking Workers, Resume Negotiations

The National Labor Relations Board still has some influence despite attempts by the Republican majority in the U.S. House to deny it continued funding.

The Washington Post reported last week that an administraive law judge ordered a Maryland-based firm to resume talks with a union and reinstate its striking workers.

Daycon Products must reinstate its workers and resume bargaining with Local 639 of the Teamsters Union within 14 days of his ruling, NLRB Judge Joel P. Biblowitz held.

Daycon improperly walked away from talks “at a time when there was no impasse in its negotiations with the Union,” Biblowitz said.

A parallel proceeding is pending in U.S. District Court in Greenbelt, where the NLRB is asking the court to compel Daycon to rehire the stirking workers while the board’s decision was pending. The judge has not yet ruled in that proceeding, which would apply while the company appeals the ALJ’s decision.

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